Gustavsberg porcelain works

Gustavsberg porcelain works

NEWS Gustavsberg porcelain works Dior Saddle handbag Mikimoto pearls Bulgari Cicladi collection Statement necklaces Raoul Dufy Collecting Remington’s Most valuable items to resell A. Londi Auguste Herbin “Knot” by Tiffany Ann Thornycroft Collectibles SHARE Gustavsberg: The Enduring Legacy of Swedish Porcelain Craftsmanship Nestled along the picturesque shores of the Stockholm archipelago, the Gustavsberg porcelain works have […]

Chinese Ceramics

Chinese ceramics

NEWS Chinese Ceramics Frank Lloyd Wright Blue Prints Most expensive sofas in the world Blend Cota Movie Posters Charles and Ray Eames What is Bullicante? Most Popular Rolex Dallas Cowboys Memorabilia What is the most expensive home ever sold in the Houston area? What is going on with Real Estate, Covid, Gold, Estate Sales, & […]

Consigning art


Consigning Art and Collectibles Consigning art with a professional with experience in world wide sales is essential.  Other options are trading in your art to a local gallery to select something else, or accepting the highest price you can get in your local area.  Having world wide exposure is the key to obtaining the best […]

Asian Art finds in Houston

Houston Estate Sales and Auction Company manages the sale, (public or private) and auction of all types of Asian Art.  Whether it be sculptures and carvings, paintings, screens, ceramics, furniture, wall decorations, rugs, or other objects, we have collectors, investors, and individuals always interested in opportunities.   Artists that we have a history with include, but […]

Chinese Jars


Chinese Ginger Jars From inexpensive functional storage to stunning fine art, Chinese ginger jars have become the go-to piece for decorators, collectors, and people just wanting to update their decor.  These jars are most easily identified by their high shoulders and domed lids. Ginger jars come in a wide range of colors, patterns, and sizes […]